First off I have to say thank you to everyone for your well wishes and support as I went through the audition process for the Food Network's Cake Challenge. While I am slightly bummed I didn't make it I am also slightly relieved. I must admit it was pretty exciting getting a call from the Food Network producers. I mean I live in New Pal, in the middle of nowhere with a shop that is, well you's flippin' small. So as my friend Martha would say "It's a good thing".
I firmly believe that all things happen for a reason, you may not know the reason for weeks, months or even years. Eventually it will all make sense, with patience.
I absolutely love making sugar flowers, it is one of my favorite things. It is a hard and time consuming process, which makes them a little on the spendy side. Many bakeries purchase their flowers pre-made via wholesale sugar arts shops to help with costs and to keep production streamlined. I totally understand that this is necessary in many cases where time is important. The reason I make all of my flowers is because I truly love the art of it (even though sometimes making them makes me want to poke out my eyeballs, I love it). So why am I on this sugar flower soapbox? I'm glad you asked. You see there is a man in NYC named Ron Ben Israel and he is a master sugar artist. {Don't believe me? Click here} Anyway, Ron conducts limited sugar seminars each year and they sell out in like 2.2 seconds. Well as fate has it I got in to one of his seminars...and I'm pumped! He really takes sugar art to the next level which I'm hoping his seminar will help take my skills to the next level!
You see I didn't have to wait too long to find the good in not making it on Food Network!
French Macarons
I have been completely consumed by these little french cookies. At one point my entire kitchen was covered with the pretty pastel-ness of French Macarons. They aren't the same as the coconut macaroons we are all familiar with. They are light, delicate and taste amazing {especially when filled w/dark chocolate raspberry ganache} French macarons are taking the bakery scene by storm on the west coast so I thought Indy needed these little wonders too!
I will be featuring the new item at some up and coming bridal the mean time here is a little sneak peak...aren't the cute?!

Oh ya! Here are some of my favorite cakes from January!
Just wanted to let you know that I've been following you on facebook and your blog for the past six months or so, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your work! As soon as I have an occassion that needs a cake, I would love to use you! :)
Hi Karen! Thank you so much for your comment! I have to say this is such a fun job...cake all day long!!?? yum-o
Just let me know when ever you need a special cake!
I heart the zebra cake with the pink flowers!! I also full heartedly believe in everything happens for a reason and we don't always find out why right away but we eventually do and it all makes since.
Those French macarons look delicious. Yummy !
French online
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